Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Alcohol--What's the limit?

Alcohol--What's the limit?

Most of us have legendary stories behind the word "alcohol".  We all know that alcohol beverages can make us feel on top of the world, and also make us sick as a dog. Do you know how much is too much, and what can happen to our body if we consume too much alcohol?

Common disease cause by excessive alcohol consumption are hangover, liver disease and alcohol poisoning.

Diseases that are less known by people are:
-FAS (foetal alcohol syndrome), a disease caused by alcohol consumption during pregnancy which influeces the baby's appearance and intelligence.
-Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome, most common in binge drinkers, result in confusion, memory loss and psychosis.
-Chronic vitamin deficiency, alcohol increases the excretion of vitamins.
-Cancer, alcohol consumption increases the risk of mouth cancer, pharynx cancer, esophagus cancer, liver cancer and rectal cancer.
-Chronic gastritis, gastric ulcers and pancreatitis.
-Hypertension/ High blood pressure and heart disease, caused by more than 3 drinks per day. Alittle bit of wine everyday may help lower your blood pressure, but DON'T over do it!

Recommended Guidelines:
Men: 2-3 drinks/day, less if driving

Women: 1-2 drinks/day, none during pregnancy

1 drink = 1 beer [340ml], 1 glass of wine [125ml] or 1 shot of spirits [25ml]

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