Thursday, April 4, 2013

Do you love a healthy lifestyle? Are you a nutrition pro? Write for us!

If we each had an apple, and we swop them, we will end up with one apple each. If we each had an idea, and we swop the ideas, we will end up with two ideas each.

I am managing this blog, and the Dietetics On The Go facebook page by myself. Often I find myself trapped in my daily schedules and deadlines, not able to update the blog and facebook page as much as I wish I could. I feel that my readers deserves the blog/page to be more "lively" , because as a reader myself, I often find it frustrating when the admin don't update their blog often, which leaves me hungry for more information/knowledge.

So, if you are a person that is working, or very much interested in the nutrition/fitness/healthy lifestyle field,if you agree that educating the mass about healthy eating/lifestyle is extremely important,  and you have some spare time in your hands, then write for us!

Let us change the world, together.

Please email: to find out how you can become a writer of this blog/page.

Click here to check out our Facebook page

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