Monday, May 27, 2013

Good cheese? Bad cheese?

Most of us love to eat cheese. It's the great-tasting staple that transforms bread into a sandwich, salad into a Ploughman's lunch and pasta into macaroni cheese. But is cheese good for our health?

According to the National Dairy Council, it supplies 12 pc of the calcium in the British diet and is a fine source of protein and nutrients - including vitamins B2 (riboflavin), B12, A and D. It's also a good idea to eat cheese after a meal as it neutralises mouth acids and helps minimise tooth decay.

But cheese can also be perilously high in fat and saturates, and some of its critics also charge it with causing catarrh and allergies.

But cheeses aren't all the same. In fact, they have a huge variety of nutrient values, so read our guide to see how your favourite cheese rates on a scale of one to five.

Brie Per 100g:
calories 319,
fat 26.9g (saturates 16.8g),
calcium 540mg
Despite its fat-laden reputation, Brie is less fat-rich than Cheddar or Stilton and has good levels of calcium. It is also a reasonable source of zinc, needed for a healthy skin, immune system and reproductive health. The soft rind is rich in vitamin B1 (thiamin), so it is best to eat it rather than throw it away.
Health rating: ***

Camembert Per 100g:
calories 297,
fat (saturates) 23.7g (14.8g),
calcium 350mg
THIS rich and creamy cheese actually has a third less fat and a quarter less calories than Cheddar. It is unusually high in folic acid and, for a soft cheese, is rich in calcium. The edible rind is rich in thiamin, which is needed for energy release and healthy nerves.
Health rating: ***

Cheddar Per 100g:
calories 412,
fat 34.4g (saturates 21.7g),
calcium 720mg
CHEDDAR is one of the highest-fat cheeses, which is bad news considering it's also one of our favourites. However, it is a great supplier of calcium and provides respectable quantities of zinc. Orange Cheddar is simply white Cheddar with added orange colouring.
Health rating: ** to ***

Half-fat Cheddar Per 100g:
calories 261,
fat 15g (9.4g),
calcium 840mg
THIS IS not only lower in fat than normal Cheddar, it's also higher in protein, calcium and zinc. On the downside, it's lower in the fat-soluble vitamins A and D.
Health rating: ****

Cottage Cheese Per 100g:
calories 98,
fat 3.9g (saturates 2.4g),
calcium 73mg
THE only truly low-fat cheese, with about the same fat content as skinless chicken breast. The reduced-fat version is even more virtuous, with only 78 calories per 100g, making it ideal for slimmers. But cottage cheese is very low in calcium compared with other cheeses.
Health rating: ***

Cream Cheese Per 100g:
calories 439,
fat 47.4g (29.7g),
calcium 98mg
THIS is about the unhealthiest cheese of the lot. It has a level of fat and saturates equal to double cream, but a calcium content of only a seventh of that of Cheddar.
Health rating: *

Edam Per 100g:
calories 333,
fat 25.4g (15.9g),
calcium 770mg
EDAM has a medium amount of fat and calories but an excellent calcium content - higher than Cheddar. Unfortunately, its sodium content is particularly high - a factor to take into account if you have a family history of high blood pressure.
Health rating: ***

Feta Per 100g:
calories 250,
fat 20.2g (13.7g),
calcium 360mg
CLASSIC Greek cheese made with sheep's milk and may be suitable for people with a cow's milk allergy. Has a middling amount of calcium but fewer calories than half-fat Cheddar and only a third more fat. However, has a very high sodium content: 100g supplies two-thirds the recommended daily intake for women.
Health rating: ***

Flora Alternative To Cheddar Per 100g:
calories 409,
fat 34.5g (8.5g),
calcium 700mg
Made using technology that swops some of the highly saturated buttermilk for sunflower oil. Has as much calcium as full-fat Cheddar but 60 pc less saturated fat and 90 pc less cholesterol. But it is still a high-fat product and should be eaten in moderation.
Health rating: ****

Mozzarella Per 100g:
calories 301,
fat 25g (19g),
calcium 515mg
THIS is a medium-fat cheese which can be disproportionately high in undesirable saturates. However, has a good calcium content and its stringy nature means a little goes a long way.
Health rating ***

Parmesan Per 100g:
calories 452,
fat 32.7g (20.5g),
calcium 1,200mg
RICHER in protein than many cheeses and contains about the same amount of fat as Cheddar. It is amazingly high in calcium and just 10g grated over pasta supplies 15 pc of the recommended daily allowance (RDA).
Health rating: *****

Philadelphia Per 100g:
calories 313,
fat 31g (19.4g),
calcium 110mg
THIS full-fat soft cheese has marginally less fat than Cheddar but is much lower in calcium. A healthier alternative is Philadelphia Light with only half the fat and saturate content. Both contain the additive E410, a stabiliser made from locust beans.
Health rating ** (full fat) *** (reduced fat)

Ricotta Per 100g:
calories 185,
fat 14.8g (9.3g),
calcium 210mg
A FRESH, unripened cheese made from the whey of cow's milk, ricotta is naturally much lower in fat than many cheeses. It contains low to medium amounts of calcium but is also low in salt, so is a good choice for people watching their sodium intake.
Health rating **** 

Stilton Per 100g:
calories 411,
fat 35.5g (22.2g),
calcium 320mg
SIMILAR in fat and calorie content to Cheddar, but has less than half the calcium content. It can also be very high in sodium, but a plus point is a high amount of folic acid, now thought to lower heart disease risk. Weight for weight, Stilton has the same amount of this vitamin as broccoli.
Health rating: ** to ***

Swiss Per 100g (approx):
calories 400,
fat 30g (20g),
calcium 1,000mg
Typical Swiss cheeses such as Gruyere and Emmental are very high in protein, with a correspondingly high mineral content. A matchbox-sized piece (30g) provides more than 40 pc of the RDA for calcium and one-tenth of the RDA for zinc. Health rating ****

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